Thursday, July 31, 2008

Random thoughts

This blog is usually an outlet for the adventures of the Baby Men, but today, it is just an outlet.

1. California is in a drought...the Governator has made water conservation mandatory and the water utility is prepared to fine water wasters. And yet, an article I read in the local paper about how to conserve water actually said "...we're not going to stop watering our lawns". WHAT?! They want us to not flush the potty after each use so we can continue to water the lawn.
2. Housing prices are tanking all over the country, but not in Alameda. OK, admittedly prices are down a bit on our island paradise, but seriously, it is still not an affordable place to buy.
3. Gas prices continue to rise and you hear about how people are driving less and trading in their big SUVs. On a recent outing, I noticed that most of the cars on the road were SUVs, not small efficient cars or even hybrids.
4. If your young child is running away through a crowded street fair, don't you think it would be wise to PUT DOWN YOUR BEER and run after them? Not so much apparently, as beer was sloshed all over. Oh, and that was the MOM!

Yay California!

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