Saturday, October 11, 2014

Projects, Pumpkins, Fire Trucks, and Breakers

For the month of October, Home Depot is hosting kids' workshops every weekend! This morning Alex, Zachy and Mady painted tiles which were then sprayed with a sealant. They'll have fun using their creations as coasters.

We wanted to try a new pumpkin patch this year, so after a bit of research, we decided to head to Peter Pumpkin's Patch near Petaluma. I had planned on having the boys climb back down from the top of the pyramid to sit with Mady. Instead, Mady insisted on climbing to the top with her brothers!
Zachy was the only one brave enough to try milking the cow.
Mady did enjoy petting the calves though. There were about 30 or so calves in their own, separate pens, and she wanted to pet each one. Some of them were in their shelter and she tried to coax them out.
Mady also loved sitting on the tractors. There was this John Deere B and a rusty John Deere A and a rusty Farmall H.  All of the kids tried each tractor multiple times. There was a hay bale maze, but I wasn't able to get any pictures, everyone was running around corners too fast, leaving me behind, and lost!
Next up, a hay ride out to the potato patch. Alex and Zachy got to work digging up yummy potatoes, they are looking forward to fresh hash browns! Notice Mady's shadow? She was holding the bag for the potato treasure.
Don't forget the pumpkins! Many of the pumpkins were still on the vines, so we brought the vines home too. They'll add to the decor nicely.

Zachy was too hot (upper 80's in October?) so he changed into cooler clothes for his role as jailor.
After we loaded up the pumpkins and had a little snack, we went down the road a bit to the CG base. We had planned on stopping by the exchange and maybe running around the play area for a while. Instead, the fire house was having an open house. Zachy tried on a jacket, it was almost as heavy as him! Alex convinced one of the firemen to open every door on multiple fire trucks and tell him what is stored inside.
Then, on a whim we decided to drive out and explore Bodega Bay. We ended up at Doran Regional Park.  There was a great sandy beach and some fairly big waves. Mady is still not a fan of sand and aside from this picture, either Daddy or I held her. She did not want to get down! Alex and Zachy on the other hand had a blast running into and away from the waves. They joined forces with some other boys and really had a great time.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Coast Guard Day 224

It's the Coast Guard's birthday again! To celebrate we enjoyed food trucks, games,  
 hamster balls,
(Mady didn't want to get in her own hamster ball, but enjoyed watching!)
games in the gym,
petting some animals,

and of course cake!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Leftover Pictures

Some fun moments from the month.
Sleepy cats in the sun. Notable because they are so close to each other. This is not their normal distance.
Mady has a new helmet.
Not to be outdone, Zachary and Vines found shields to carry while wearing helmets.
Alex built an airplane! Without any directions.
Mady and a new friend. This dog was so sweet and didn't even try to lick her or knock her over.
Dr. Seuss tree around the corner from us.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Spring Concert

This evening was the school's spring concert. Alex and Zachary sang with the elementary school choir.

And for the finale, all of the kids who were involved in the program came together to sing the Hallelujah Chorus. There was an unfortunate saxophone, but otherwise it was beautiful.

All of the musicians do a wonderful job, but I continue to be impressed with the level of talent within the high school.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bring a Friend

Zachary had an opportunity to bring a friend for a fun day at gymnastics class. He was very excited to have his BFF, Fiona join him!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

My 2 favorite little leaguers presented me with roses before their game this morning. Thank you Alex and Zachary! I love you!
Check out the fanciness from Phil's phone.

One shot from during the game. Pitcher and short stop. Good job boys!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


We've been going to the Lego mini-build event for a while now (once a month), and have learned some tricks along the way. Now we bring clipboards and do homework while we wait. Mady is very patient, especially considering that she doesn't get to participate and just has to stand in line for hours.
This month was a fire breathing dragon!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Game Ball

Alex received the game ball from today's game! He has been a consistent player who always tries hard (according to the coach!).
Way to go Alex!
Here's a look at what happened during the game:
Alex looking like a grizzled veteran.
 Mady and a friend having snacks on the bullpen mound.
 1st baseman Zachary.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


It's free comic book day! We went to our favorite comic book store and were confronted by the Stay-Puft Marshmallow man. Alex was more impressed with the puzzles in the window.
Inside the store there was a table piled high with many different comic books. The rule was take as many as you want, but only one of each. Alex, Zachary and Mady all found quite a few comics to try out.

Friday, May 2, 2014

International Day

For International Day, Alex studied Columbia and Zachary studied Japan. I was on double duty for cooking this year and made teriyaki chicken (Japan) and mantecada (Columbian butter corn bread). And, I was able to take a group of kindergarteners from country to country to taste all the treats and participate in the activities. Prior to country hopping, each class presented songs, skits, and information about their countries.

In France, the kids raced each other to deliver and pick up cups of water.

There were many yummy foods to try, and a few that weren't so yummy. I was very proud of Zachary, my picky eater. He was the bravest sample taster in my group! In fact, one of the boys tried to tell me that his mom would be mad if he ate anything else because he had too many sweets! I told him that his mom (who is my friend) wanted him to try everything and he could blame me.

Of course Mady got in on the action too! She balanced a basket on her head and walked across the room in Columbia.

1st graders dressed as hard working Columbians.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


April is Lighthouse Recognition Month. In honor of this, the Alameda Lighthouse Appreciation Society hid 4 replica lighthouses in town. There was some discussion regarding the validity of this scavenger hunt, as it was posted in the paper on April 1st. But, one day as we were driving across the bridge, we spotted one of the lighthouses! One of the lighthouses was supposed to have clues to help find the other 3 and this was not the right one. I didn't really know how to find the first one, and had no plans to hunt them down. Then, on a rare evening out with Phil, I happened to see the first one! We didn't get a chance to stop, so the next day I went back by and discovered the clues. I then proceeded to drive all over Alameda hunting for the last 2 lighthouses. It took some time, but eventually we found them all.

Lighthouse #1, and the clues.
 A Port.
A Southern Shore. This one was actually moved from the original position, so an additional clue was needed.
A bridge. This is the first one we actually found. It was also moved, but just from the ground to a rooftop. To keep with the picture theme, Alex is sitting on Phil's shoulders.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

VIB 2 ~ Carnival

Zachary had another Very Important Buddy this weekend. Rex joined us for baseball practice
and a delicious treat.
On Sunday Rex was very excited to watch Zachary in his game and wanted to get up close to the action!

After the game, we went to the school carnival. Rex was surprised to see his friend Mrs. Wong.
Everyone had fun playing the games, sampling treats, seeing friends and touring fire engines.

And, during all of the excitement of the weekend, Alex lost another tooth!