Sunday, December 20, 2015

Late Night Visitor

Since there was no school on Monday, the kids stayed up late. It is a good thing they did, because the doorbell rang and we had a special visitor. Mady loves to answer the door and so she swung open the door and saw Santa Claus on the porch! She was so excited and yelled "Santa! I'm Mady!" We invited Santa and his Elf in and Mady ran to the stairs to make sure Alex and Zachy were going to come downstairs to see Santa. When the boys made it downstairs, they were equally excited to see Santa.

Santa even brought an early gift!
The reindeer started to stamp their feet on the roof, so Santa had to go. But he forgot his bag! Luckily I ran outside with it just in time to catch them before they took off. What a fun night!

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