Tuesday, August 4, 2015

CGD 225

When we arrived at Coast Guard Island to celebrate the CG's birthday, we found an unexpected guest.
At first, Mady wasn't too sure about R2-D2's intentions, but she started to warm up to him. She didn't want to get too close in case he started 'talking' again.
There were lots of information booths, food trucks and games. Alex and Zachy really wanted to play this game of boppers, but the balls were too big for Zachy, and too heavy for Alex. Next year they can try again, and hopefully have more success.

Mady always loves to check out the petting zoo, but this is the first time she has really enjoyed petting all of the different animals. Along with this goat, she petted a sheep, pig, duck, chicken and many rabbits. The animals definitely had a lot of love today!
These hamster balls are a much better size for the boys. Even so, they still had trouble moving around the pool. It is pretty funny watching them try to execute their attack plans! Mady waited in line to play in the hamster ball, but when it was her turn she didn't want to get in. She liked watching the boys and tried to direct them to no avail.

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