Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Funny Guys

Alex and Zachary are both talking a lot. When I went to pick Alex up from the jumpy house at the gym, he bounced over to the side and said "I'm jumping" and bounced away. Then he jumped back over and yelled "Jumping!" He eventually came out.
Often times, we will take a back road through the airport. The other day Alex declared, "I want to ride blue airplane, see Auntie Chole."
When we pull the car into the garage after an outing, Zachary shouts "All done!" Then he crawls into the kitchen and demands a "cract-er".

I keep the extra batteries in the laundry room. Alex has decided to line up his vehicles that have "bat-ries worn out" outside the door. Subtle hint mom! (back in parking only)
And finally, not really so funny, but exciting. Zachary is starting to take one little shuffle step before deciding to bear crawl! Hopefully we'll have full and multiple steps soon!

1 comment:

Miss Sub said...

I want to ride blue airplane, see Alex and Zach!