Saturday, October 18, 2008

Zach O'Lantern

Who's the cutest pumpkin?!

We took the boys to a pumpkin patch today. It wasn't exactly what we were expecting, not really a pumpkin field full of pumpkins and vines, but there were a lot of pumpkins in a field of sorts. There was a little "train" that drove around, some animals, a little hay tunnel (more than a path, less than a maze), and of course pumpkins galore. I would love to say it was a nice, crisp fall day, and that the air was full of the scent of Halloween, but sadly, it was in the mid 80's and all I smelled was very very dry hay. Even so, it was a fun time and Alex enjoyed trying to pick up the giant pumpkins.
If at first you don't succeed, try something different!

We might even try to carve them....stay tuned.
Going to school to find Mommy a thesaurus! What? You think I used the word PUMPKIN too much?

1 comment:

Miss Sub said...

I know where the cutest pumpkin is! it's in the back, on the left! ; )