Sunday, October 12, 2008

Are you ready to ROCK?!

We took the boys to their first concert ~ The Sippy Cups. It was held at a kids club (we just found out about) in Emeryville, so there were kid size chairs, a play house, and toys and books. It looks like a fun place to play, especially in winter. Alex enjoyed the concert, but he also enjoyed pushing a little chair around and wandering about. Alex just has too much energy to sit still (even though dancing was encouraged). He did dance and clap to a couple of the songs. Zachary definitely enjoyed it. His eyes were so big and wide and he was looking all around, checking it all out.
Sippy Paul even signed our CD!

1 comment:

Richard, Kirsten, Mae and Ben said...

Rock on, Prather family! How funny, the Sippy Cups. We haven't been so brave to try a concert yet.