Monday, May 1, 2017

Spirit Month

May is Spirit Month at SonRise Preschool. Everyday has a special theme, some are easy and some require a bit of creativity. Of course, sometimes the theme is deemed too crazy/weird, even for a free thinking pre-schooler. For the most part, Mady had a lot of fun dressing up for the themes. Here is a sampler of crazy theme days!

The theme for May Day was simply May Day. I remember sneaking up to friends' doors and leaving flowers on the porch, so Mady became a May Day bouquet. (Flowered skirt too!)
 Backwards clothes day.
 Silly socks!
Disney day...also known to the little girls as Princess day. She is holding her skirt up while she walks because "this is what princesses do."
 Inside out day.
Mix up your shoes.
 Super Hero day looked a lot like costume day.

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