Saturday, October 24, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

Today we had a fun time at the pumpkin patch in Petaluma. First up the kids climbed the hay bale pyramid. Mady was able to get to the top, but then she wanted help on the way down.
Then they saw the huge corn pit. I'm pretty sure they would have stayed here all day.
Alex joined up with some young adults to help bury one of them while Mady and Zachy continued to roll around.
Eventually we made it out to the pumpkin patch and everyone looked for the perfect pumpkin.

Mady, Zachy and Alex also had a lot of fun digging up potatoes. We wound up with 11 pounds of potatoes, and I had to find some new recipes to use them all!
Once we had our pumpkins and potatoes, we sent Daddy walking back with the wheelbarrow full of produce and we took a ride on the tractor trailer.
Mady liked the baby cows. She was petting this one, but I wasn't quick enough with the picture.
For a snack we had some ice cream from the local dairy and then another turn in the corn pit. We almost lost Alex!

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