Saturday, April 18, 2015

Cal Day

This morning Zachy participated in a study at the Berkeley Early Learning Lab and then we wandered over to the Natural Sciences building to have some fun at Cal Day.  Mady had the opportunity to touch some critters. Like a Madagascar hissing cockroach.
And a lizard of some sort (I don't remember what kind, even though I'm sure they told us).
Zachy and Alex picked up some snazzy new shirts and everyone made a play-doh circuit.

Mady met some of the Cal cheerleaders and was very excited that they let her hold the pom poms. Mady didn't want to give the pom poms back though.
 And the boys posed with face paint and Oski.

We even ran into some school friends along the way!
All in all, a beautiful day at a beautiful campus.

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