Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Madelyn started preschool today! She was very excited to go to school just like her big brothers.
Even so, I thought she might be a bit nervous, and possibly even want me to stay. I was very wrong! When we got to the school, she followed the froggies right to the school room.
I had to convince her to check out her new cubby, she was ready to by-pass all of the formalities and get right to the class room. She did like her cubby though, and likes to put her papers in it.
I managed to get a quick hug, and then she was off to do some projects. This picture was a sneaked peek through the window.
At pick up time, I had to carry her away from school. She had so much fun, she didn't want to leave.
And, on her second day of school, as soon as we turned the corner and she recognized the play yard, she threw her arms up in the air and yelled "YAY! School!" She is very proud to be going to school and loves to bring home her artwork to show everyone.

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