Saturday, January 25, 2014

'Lil Kicker

Who's ready to take the soccer field by storm? This girl!
Mady started taking 'Lil Kickers soccer classes. The Bunnies class is full of cuties who are just excited to run around and sometimes kick a ball.
At the beginning of class the kids find a 'soccer spot' to sit at and stretch. Mady likes to sit on her spot..for a little while.
Bubbles are always a hit with the toddler set! The intention is to pop the bubbles with your feet, of course that is hard to do when they are flying at your face!
Building cone towers to kick over is fun. But wearing cones as hats is even more fun!

**After about a month of classes, Mady is understanding more and more about using her feet, and is following the coach's example during stretching time.

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