Tuesday, December 24, 2013


We spent the day at the Exploratorium. It was a bit more crowded than the last time we went, but that helped us explore new areas. Mady learned that sometimes science hurts. Square wheels don't always stay on track. Don't worry, she shook it right off.
The kids channeled their inner Goldilocks.
Alex and Zachary spent a lot of time building a marble tunnel. Alex probably would have stayed in that area for much longer.
Another area we hadn't explored before showcased Living Systems. There was a large fallen tree. It showed the pulled up root system, part of the trunk was sliced lengthwise and made into benches, and of course there was a round to show the rings. Mady was wondering off while we were trying to get the picture, Alex was ready to move on.
Mady enjoyed learning about tide systems and having the freedom to wander in this quieter corner.
Alex and Zachary each conquered the pendulum. They had to swing the handle and try to get the arm to stop in the upright position. It wasn't as easy as it sounds!
This sand table was lots of fun. It had diamond plate under plexi-glass. The sand made interesting trails as the table spun.

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