Sunday, September 25, 2011

Garin/Dry Creek

After last weekend's hike, we bought new backpacks for the boys. Zachary's old one was too big and he struggled with it a lot. This morning, they were both very excited to pack up some snacks and animals to take on the hike. Up up up the hill we went and from the top, we could see last week's adventure, Coyote Hills (see them in the near distance).

Alex forged the trail while Zachary peaked through the grasses.
We chose a trail that we thought would lead us to a pond. Instead we found the steep road less traveled and a little stream.

As we were headed toward another trail, someone asked us if we were there for the apples. We just happened to be at the park on the one day a year that the orchard is opened up for apple picking! Alex and Zachary had a lot of fun going around the orchard picking and tasting apples.

Now we have piles and piles of apples...time to start the applesauce! Oh, and a few figs and plums.
The next trail we tried did take us to a pond, and also to a hillside filled with goats.

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