Monday, January 12, 2009

Something from Nothing

When today began, I was holding out very little hope for a good day. But the gorgeous weather soon turned everything around. I won't bore you with the bad stuff from the morning, and skip straight to the fun part!
Alex, Zachary and I went to the playground to run amok, swing and watch the big kids play for a bit before lunch. When it was time to go, Alex climbed right up onto the stroller and didn't complain at all. After a yummy PB&J lunch, not to mention the goldfish crackers and oranges, we did some work outside on the patio.

Zachary played in his activity center and Alex alternated between pushing the dumptruck around and helping me separate the recyclables and tape together boxes. Then, both boys had a snooze, Zachary's was much shorter than Alex's, but a snooze all the same.
Phil had gone in early and was able to come home early as a result. We decided it was too nice to cook so we went out to get sandwiches and had a mini-picnic beside the estuary.

The sunset was pretty, this picture just doesn't do it justice at all.
Our day turned into something fun afterall!

1 comment:

Richard, Kirsten, Mae and Ben said...

We are sorry to hear your morning was less-than-fabulous, but it sounds like it turned into a beautiful day after all! We have enjoyed (finally) catching up with all the Prather adventures! Your pictures are beautiful and the narratives fantastic - it's almost like being there with you! We miss you all so much!