Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Closing the deal

For the longest time now, Zachary has been rolling from his back to almost his front. He is oh so close to getting to his tummy. This morning I told Phil that Zachary doesn't seem to have a career in sales, as he just can't close the deal. Zachary disagreed! He made it all the way to his tummy for the first time! Here he is, contemplating the final movement.
Let's see if he remembers how to do it tomorrow!
Oh, and I realize that this picture is really really loud!

1 comment:

Richard, Kirsten, Mae and Ben said...

Yea! Did he remember how to do it? Ben is stuck in the same rut! He only manages to make that final push onto his tummy when he crying in high gear, but then he doesn't even notice he's rolled. Good for you, Zachary!