Friday, May 23, 2008

Ice, ice Baby

Our curling club (SFBACC) is hosting it's first ever bonspiel this weekend. We haven't been too involved with the club recently (gee, I wonder why) but we wanted to help out and see everyone so Alex and I cruised on down to Fremont today. Honestly, we went to help, but they had everything under control, so we wound up being atmosphere for a few hours. It was fun to see our 'old' curling pals again and Alex really enjoyed watching the action on the ice. Fortunately it was just practice because he also enjoyed banging on the glass, hockey style. We missed some friends, but we'll be back again and hopefully they'll be around.

Alex had a chance to get out on the ice and try out the rocks. I think he's a natural!

1 comment:

Richard, Kirsten, Mae and Ben said...

Walking on the ice?!?!?!? There's nothing Alex can't do! Now he just needs to learn to throw -- but maybe he should wait until he weighs at least as much as the stones! What a great picture! Wish we could've joined him on the ice...