Sunday, December 2, 2007

10 months

Alex is 10 months old! He was really distracted by all the fun bark on the ground and wouldn't really watch our silly dance and smile. Oh well. As you can see, he is standing on his "own" now. When not distracted, he is very giggly and has learned how to fake laugh in order to get us to laugh with him. Once we laugh back, he'll use his real laugh. I don't know where he comes up with these ideas.
We spent the day in The City today. (San Fran) We shopped Embarcadaro Center, The Ferry Building and Fisherman's Wharf. The wind was cold but otherwise it was a nice cloudy day. It really wasn't too crowded either. Alex made friends with some pigeons who were happy to accept his gifts of Cheerios. They didn't like the mixed vegetable medly he offered however.

1 comment:

Miss Sub said...

He's already using the scientific method!