It is Spark Day at the boys' school! This year Phil taught a class about statistics and probability called "What Are the Chances?" The kids played games with dice and drew marbles and tracked the results with graphs.
While Zachary and Phil were charting their results, Alex was upstairs in a Zumba class!
The instructor was great, and very high energy. I think Alex had fun. Mady was invited to dance too, but she was feeling a little shy.
Yellow lemons, new growth, here's to a new year full of lemons!
Ok, so we are no longer technically Under the Lemon Tree. How about beside, next to, growing with... We have some blossoms so hopefully our tiny tree will be able to produce a lemon or two.
Update Info
Slowly but surely the first few months of 2012 will be updated. We thank you for your patience as we catch up!
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