Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Snowy Spring Break Day 2

We started out the day with a road trip to Jamestown, an old Gold Rush Town.  Many of the buildings were set up to show daily life during the Gold Rush.
The outer edges of the town were actually mined, and there are large boulders in a maze of trails to explore.
The boys had a great time playing hide-and-seek in the rocks and climbing all over. After a stop at the General Store for a snack, we headed back to the mountain for a second day of lessons. At the Lodge, we had some time to play around in the snow. We found a nice snowy patch right off of the parking area and Alex and Zachary had lots of fun throwing snowballs at the trees (where the snow stuck, making it even more fun) and even built a little snowman!
Then it was time to get suited up for their lesson. You can tell they were excited, because they were willing to leave the snowy patch to get started!
After Zachary and Alex had all of their gear back on, their teachers took them back to the learner's slope for some review.
A couple of runs down the little hill, and Zachary's teacher asked us if it would be OK for her to take him on the chair lift for a longer run. While it seemed a little crazy, we said to go for it!
It was a bit of a trudge to get to the lift, but Zachary is a trooper! And here is another use for the vest handle!
Shortly after that, Alex was up on the chair lift too. We didn't catch a picture of him on the way up, but here he is on the final descent.
Zachary's teacher told us that other instructors, and skiers/snowboarders kept asking her how old he was, since he is so little and was doing such a great job. She would reply, "He's 3" and Zachary would yell "I'm 3 and a half!"
Finally, a couple of videos showing off the skills they learned.

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