Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mt. Diablo

We decided to go for a hike on Mt. Diablo. It was a bit of a drive to get out there, but we figured since it is 'over there, where it gets hot' and is one of the higher points around here, it would be nice and we'd have some great views of the bay and the surrounding areas. We were wrong.
It was cold, windy and foggy. But we didn't let that stop us from enjoying our hike! We did about a mile loop and both boys did a great job of staying on the trails and keeping their feet moving. Here they are at the start of the trail. After this, it went downhill fairly steeply and there were a lot of loose stones. Luckily no one was injured.
Leading the way.Pretending to be mountain goats.Wait, did I say no one was injured? Alex shows you how wrong that is!The pinecones were huge!
The visitor's center is built right on the summit. Zachary was excited to have reached it! Can't you tell?
Afterward, we sat in the car watching the fog waves roll by and enjoying some yummy trail mixes.

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