Thursday Phil had to go into work, but Grandma and Grandpa came back into town and took us to the National Zoo. It was really muggy, and I don't really remember seeing very many animals, but we did see the panda bears, and really that is the main purpose of the National Zoo. It was the first time either boy had ridden on a subway system. I wasn't sure how they would react, but they both did really well. Zachary even held on to the hand-pole! Alex was fascinated by the trains coming and going.
Friday was another work day, but we had big plans! Our curling friends who have moved to NC came up to see us. We met at the hotel and walked by the White House for Mae, who is a big Obama fan and then found a nice shady spot of grass on the Ellipse. Kirsten brought a bunch of fun toys to play with, and a box of cookies that Mae and Alex pretty much finished off.
We walked over to the Washington Monument because Alex wanted to touch it. The Collins clan had to head home early but we had lots of fun in the time we had.
While talking to our friend Rachel about dinner plans, she told me about a carousel on the National Mall by the Smithsonian Castle. Since the boys were too wound up to nap, I decided to be adventurous and take them there. It was a bit of a risk, there was definitely a storm coming up, but it all still sounded fun. On the way over, Phil called to say he was done with work, so he planned to meet us there. I thought it would be fun if Phil rode the carousel with each boy and I would take pictures. Alex went first, mostly because he knew he wanted to ride, and was barely containable while we waited for Phil to get there. Sure enough, just as the ride was ending, the skies opened up and it started to POUR! Phil thought we should run over to the Hirshhorn Museum to get out of the rain and view some art. During the storm, the carousel was under repair. Sadly the repairs took longer than expected and Zachary didn't get a chance to ride. Don't worry, we'll make it up to you Zachary! After a drenching walk back to the hotel, we had some time to rest and dry off before heading out to dinner with Rachel. She reminded us that everytime we all get together on Pennsylvania Avenue, it rains! Hmm... we'll have to keep that in mind!
Saturday morning we headed out of DC to Grandma and Grandpa's place in Laurel, Maryland.
Here are a couple of my favorite pictures from DC:
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