Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Shout out

I have to give a big Thank You to the Walmart at Supermall in Auburn, WA.
Back at Thanksgiving, Alex lost his shoe at the store. Phil and then Phil and I spent hours and hours at the store looking for it and asking everyone working there if they had it. Many of the workers thought they remembered seeing it, but it was not to be found. Before we returned to CA, we gave the shoe department and the lost and found department my parents' phone number and a description of the shoe.
Yesterday they called and said they had found the shoe!!! After a month of shoe sadness, my dad went to the store today and left with Alex's shoe.

I know some of you are probably thinking "why get so caught up about a shoe" but you don't recall my slight obsessive-side. Besides, they were (are!) really cute shoes!


Miss Sub said...

and dad and sister wandering around for an hour trying to find any employee who knew about the phone call we received saying that they had it.

But even though they didn't know that the shoe had been found, the shoe department and lady at the jewelry counter did at least know that they were keeping an eye out for it. Customer service people up front had no customer servicing skills.

Natasha, Phil, Alex, Zachary & Madelyn said...

yes, i totally agree. customer service was quick to send us to the shoe dept too.

nola said...

Didn't we agree that it is not "obsessive" but "determined"?!

Natasha, Phil, Alex, Zachary & Madelyn said...

that's right. Determined!