Saturday, October 25, 2008

Underwater Adventure

Can we have fish? Not tapping, just petting.

We took the boys to The City (Zachary's first trip in) to visit the Aquarium. With our Zoo membership, we get a 50% discount, so the four of us went for the cost of one adult! What a deal! Zachary loved the aquarium. He was completely mesmerized by all the fish, and that was before we even got to the underwater tunnels. Zachary's eyes never left the fish tanks. Since he was in the snuggly (no strollers to distract Alex today!) it was difficult to get photos of him and fish at the same time. You'll have to take our word for it that there are fish all around. Alex enjoyed it too, but he would have liked to run around more than was possible. He kept tapping on the glass (there weren't any signs saying not to, but we tried to stop him) and fortunately, there were some touch tanks at the end. Alex was able to pet a bat ray, and a starfish. We walked along Fisherman's Wharf a bit, but everyone was getting pretty tired by then, so we decided to call it a day.
Not the best picture, but it'll suffice.

1 comment:

Richard, Kirsten, Mae and Ben said...

I love the family photo!!! And I know what you mean about running around. Mae doesn't seem to care what the attraction is or who is there, if she gets to run around that's it. And if she thinks she should get to run around but can't, WATCH OUT! She's got a mean temper sometimes.