Thursday, December 31, 2015

NYE 2015

We kicked off our New Year's Eve celebration with an appetizer/snack dinner.
And then just before midnight in Buenos Aires, we gathered out front with confetti shooters,
our ceremonial toast,
and sparkling cider for "cheers"!
We hope you have a great 2016!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Mady loved these yellow leaves!
iPad mini cover for Zachy.
 iPad cover for Alex.
iPod cover for Ryan.
Mady taking her new baby for a bike ride.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas 2015

Merry Christmas!

Alex woke up early, as is his way, but was very nice and waited for his brother and sister to join him in opening up stocking presents.
Santa took note of the colder than normal weather and made sure everyone would have warm ears.
After opening stockings, we had hot from the oven cinnamon rolls with left over cookie frosting. There can never be too much cream cheese frosting on a cinnamon roll, even if it is green.
 There was a lot of excitement during present opening.
 Gma made shark slippers!
 And wrapping paper was flying all over.
Later in the day, we all played with our gifts. I used my new cast iron skillet to make an apple Dutch baby. It was so yummy.
 Mady made sure Anna's hair matched hers in messiness.
Alex and Zachy drove their remote control cars on the perimeter trail at CG Island. Mady brought her remote control car along too, but we didn't want hers to drive outside. We spent some time inside Phil's office building and everyone drove around there, where the straight stretches were longer than at home.
We decided to postpone our Christmas dinner until Sunday and just have snacks for dinner. And even though Zachy is wearing shorts, and Alex short sleeves, it was quite chilly. Those boys just don't seem to feel the cold.

It was a wonderful Christmas filled with fun and happiness.

**Flash forward to Sunday, and our delicious Christmas dinner. Mady enjoyed more than this picture might indicate.
We love all of the wonderful Christmas cards and letters. We didn't quite get them all up for this picture.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve

Tonight was our traditional Christmas Eve. Cheese, meat and crackers for dinner...followed by some of the decorated cookies.
One new addition to our Christmas decor - matching stocking holders.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
One gift was opened. Surprise! It was new jammies!
Stockings waiting for Santa. The kids even went to bed early so that they wouldn't mess up Santa's schedule. And slept extra cozily in warm jammies.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


It is cookie decorating time! Yummy!
While we were decorating, friends that Phil works with stopped by with a delicious fruit tart. The kids plied Mr. Gary and Ms. Beth with cookies and were given a stamp of approval.


Zachy, Mady and I wanted to take advantage of a break in the rain and go for a walk. We walked down to the ferry terminal and avoided getting wet. The estuary was very rough and the wind was whipping. Mady and Zachy took turns taking some pictures. I think they did a pretty good job.

On the way home we weren't as lucky with the rain. With the rain and wind, there were sheets of rain whipping across the street. Luckily the wind was to our backs for most of the walk. We stopped for this picture, and I had hoped the rain would show better (don't let the sun fool you, it was a crazy weather day!).

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Late Night Visitor

Since there was no school on Monday, the kids stayed up late. It is a good thing they did, because the doorbell rang and we had a special visitor. Mady loves to answer the door and so she swung open the door and saw Santa Claus on the porch! She was so excited and yelled "Santa! I'm Mady!" We invited Santa and his Elf in and Mady ran to the stairs to make sure Alex and Zachy were going to come downstairs to see Santa. When the boys made it downstairs, they were equally excited to see Santa.

Santa even brought an early gift!
The reindeer started to stamp their feet on the roof, so Santa had to go. But he forgot his bag! Luckily I ran outside with it just in time to catch them before they took off. What a fun night!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmas at CCS

Today was a very busy day at the boys' school. It was the last day before Christmas break and there was much to be done.
First up Mady and I attended the Christmas Chapel and enjoyed listening to different groups of kids sing Christmas songs from around the world. We also learned about some different customs from many countries. Mady really liked the giant candy cane at the front of the chapel and was trying to figure out how to fit it into the car!
3rd and 5th grade sang "It's a World of Christmas":
 2nd grade sang "Still, Still, Silent Night":
After chapel, Mady and I spent some time at the coffee shop with some other 3rd grade parents while we waited to join the 3rd graders for lunch. The class set everything up and let their guests get food first. They even cleaned up! Easiest class party yet. Thank you Alex!
Before the 2nd grade party we had some time to wander around at the shopping center and get some fresh air and exercise. Then we returned to school for an afternoon snack party with Zachy!
Of course Alex and Zachy both shared jello with their classmates. I really like the new snowman jellos!
Then everyone's backpacks were prepared for 2 weeks off and we headed home to start vacation!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Preschool Pagent

Mady's school Christmas show was tonight. Alex, Zachy and Mady looked so nice we had to have a picture before we left.
 Mady was a beautiful angel and said her line loud and clear. "Hallelujah!"
The 3 Wise Men were all alumni from the preschool! A few days after agreeing to be a wise man, Alex asked if he could switch to the baby Jesus. Sadly we had to decline his offer! But Zachy and Alex were very handsome wise men.

All of my little stars.
After the play we enjoyed a potluck dinner with our school friends and Santa even stopped by to give everyone a book!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Puddles part 2

Mady and Zachy returned to the hunt for puddles. They found a little puddle and thought it was pretty fun to stomp in.
But down the street a little bit further was a big puddle!

By the time they decided it was too chilly to stay out anymore, the size of the puddle had diminished and the water had made its way into their boots and pants!