We celebrated Zachary's 4th birthday at Pump It Up. Everyone paid close attention to the rules before ignoring them in reality.
Zachary's crown was a little bit too big, but fit nicely as a face mask.
The tough brothers, ready to take on the world!
Love the air shot.
Madelyn slept through the party. I don't know how, there was a lot of excitement.
Zachary was happy to share his throne. First with his brother, then with lots of friends.
Zachary's theme was dinosaurs. Auntie Nichole had given us an awesome cake pan that makes little dinosaur cakes. The dinosaurs are stuck in the mud (chocolate ganache-yum!).
The favor boxes.
Everyone had a great time jumping, climbing and sliding. Thank you for celebrating with Zachary!
The A's held their end of year bar-b-que awards party and kids vs. parents t-ball game today. Coach Steve handed out the trophies and had really nice things to say about all of the players. Alex was very excited to receive his trophy. When the season started, we thought the coach had some pretty lofty expectations. As it turned out, the kids responded and learned so much. It was a great season.
During the game, Zachary showed off some impressive skills. I think his baseball class is showing some great results.
Grammy and Grandpa came out to visit us and of course to meet Madelyn! Alex and Zachary clearly had lots of fun playing games, building puzzles, and making mosaics with Grandpa and Grammy. Grammy and Grandpa had a hard time getting a break!
With Madelyn's crazy baby schedule, Grammy and Grandpa decided to get a hotel room. Lucky for the boys, the hotel had an awesome pool! They had so much fun visiting the hotel and swimming. They were very proud to show off the skills they have been learning in lessons.
Finally, Grammy and Grandpa got in some cuddles with the newest Prather.
Madelyn wasn't too impressed with her first ferry ride.
Alex and Zachary couldn't wait to ride the carousel, and Grammy and Grandpa got in on the fun too! Grandpa played it super cool.
Posing with a grizzly bear is always fun.
We had lunch at the golf course, and got the men to pose with the littlest lady. She slept through that too.
Everyone loves a couch photo. And we were so happy that Grammy and Grandpa were able to come visit us!
This week marked the end of the t-ball season and the school year.
Alex improved his t-ball skills so much this year. He really enjoyed fielding the ball and running the bases. (Not running bases in the second picture, playing 3rd base.)
For the last day of school, there was a pool party!
Zachary was an usher at Alex's preschool graduation. He did a great job of handing out programs and welcoming the parents.
The graduates took turns introducing songs and making announcements. Alex's line was "Do you know the number rock?" And then they rocked out with inflatable guitars!
Each graduate was presented with a lei and a diploma. And of course congratulations from Teachers Renate, Elizabeth and Susan.
The end of the ceremony, complete with a cap toss.
A last photo with the teachers.
Alex and Zachary's friend was concerned about Madelyn's head. I picked the boys up from school a bit early so we could go to lunch with Phil and his co-worker. When the other mom picked her kids up, they reported that Madelyn had blue chalk all over her head. And since we had left school early, the mom sent me a text message wondering what had happened. I thought it was funny, and everyone was relieved to learn it was simply Madelyn's headband!
Madelyn also rocked her leg warmers for the first time this week.
And had her first bath in the baby tub! Don't let this calm picture fool you...she cried for most of her bath time.
The food trucks have come to Alameda. On Saturdays, a bunch of different food trucks circle up in the parking lot of the shopping center. The boys' favorite truck is the cream puff truck, followed by one of the cupcake trucks. Of course there are trucks that serve up yummy 'real' food too. This has definitely become part of our weekend routine.
Oh, and this photo was really taken in June...and we really did need warm jackets!
Yellow lemons, new growth, here's to a new year full of lemons!
Ok, so we are no longer technically Under the Lemon Tree. How about beside, next to, growing with... We have some blossoms so hopefully our tiny tree will be able to produce a lemon or two.
Update Info
Slowly but surely the first few months of 2012 will be updated. We thank you for your patience as we catch up!