This weekend we traded the bridge for the train!
We caught the train at Jack London Square and rode to Sacramento. The ride is very scenic and goes along the water for most of the way. The boys enjoyed the ride, but it is possible they enjoyed going to the galley car and getting snacks the most. Our conductor was super nice and talked to the boys about the train and even agreed to pose for a picture.
The train station is in Old Town Sacramento. It is an easy walk to the shopping area and hotels. We checked into the hotel and then explored the shops and had dinner before resting up for a big day of adventure.
Bright and early the next morning, we set out to find new jobs for Alex and Zachary.
Alex was ready to couple up the caboose....
But not until Zachary fixed it up.
Once we were able to pull the boys away from the outdoor exhibits, we went to the Railroad Museum.
There were so many different engines and cars. We had fun exploring and trying to catch the train.
Of course it was the dining car they were trying to catch! The dining car on the train we rode was not quite this fancy.
And of course we spent a while in the play area with the train tables.
After a long day we rode the train back to Oakland. It was a tiring trip, but definitely fun!