Thursday, July 31, 2008

Random thoughts

This blog is usually an outlet for the adventures of the Baby Men, but today, it is just an outlet.

1. California is in a drought...the Governator has made water conservation mandatory and the water utility is prepared to fine water wasters. And yet, an article I read in the local paper about how to conserve water actually said "...we're not going to stop watering our lawns". WHAT?! They want us to not flush the potty after each use so we can continue to water the lawn.
2. Housing prices are tanking all over the country, but not in Alameda. OK, admittedly prices are down a bit on our island paradise, but seriously, it is still not an affordable place to buy.
3. Gas prices continue to rise and you hear about how people are driving less and trading in their big SUVs. On a recent outing, I noticed that most of the cars on the road were SUVs, not small efficient cars or even hybrids.
4. If your young child is running away through a crowded street fair, don't you think it would be wise to PUT DOWN YOUR BEER and run after them? Not so much apparently, as beer was sloshed all over. Oh, and that was the MOM!

Yay California!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Street fair

Our little town has quite a few street fairs throughout the year. This was Zachary's first. We thought that the cloudy and cool weather would keep the crowds down, but that wasn't the case. Even the new parking garage was over-crowded. But we found a nice, meter-free spot to park and only had a short hike to the festival. As much as I love the new stroller, Alex isn't a big fan~I think because he hasn't discovered how much fun it is to stand on the back yet. So he did ride for a while, pushed for a while, was carried for a while and held hands and walked a bit too. Zach pretty much did what he is known for~slept! We had the requisite corndogs and corn on the cob then headed home just as the sun finally broke through the fog.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


We thought we'd throw caution to the wind today and try for a family meal out. An early morning breakfast seemed like a good place to start. So, we picked a place that usually isn't crowded early Saturday morning (it gets crowded a bit later in the day) and hoped for the best.
Success! Zach slept (you expected something else?) and Alex devoured his fruit cup (served S.T.A.T.) and while he didn't eat his pancakes, he did enjoy the blueberry topping. (sadly we had no camera to document our success)
No cranky old ladies (in abundance in Alameda) made snide comments in our direction and there was a minimum of food on the floor when we left. It was a most enjoyable meal, and better yet, neither of us had to make it or clean up after it. Next stop lunch!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Zachary had his 2 week doctor appointment (yesterday). The doctor said that he is a very healthy little boy! He has already added more than a pound to his birth weight! He is up to 8 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches. I'm not putting too much stock into the height however, he didn't really look all that straight when the nurse made the marks. We don't have to take him back until he is 2 months now. Yay!

Today we rejoined Alex's playgroup at the park. Alex was so happy to be back with his friends, and his friends' trucks! I think he was also proud to show off his new brother. Even with all the fun playground equipment and toys, he kept coming over to check on us and give Zach little love taps. He is such a good big brother!

Alex is still a crazy messy eater.

Zach is still a sleepy man.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


We took Alex and Zach to music class today. Zach slept through the whole thing. Alex once again proved to be the extrovert of the family, and the class. I think he was very happy to be back in class, he loved playing the giant drum and went crazy with the rhythm sticks. I also think he was proud to show Zach to his friends. Everyone was amazed that I was out with one week old Zach. Which I don't totally understand...I guess I should be milking this more. But that really isn't my style. This photo isn't from music class, but this is pretty much how Zach looked in class.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tired but happy

We are one tired family (seen here shortly after Zachary's homecoming), but we are starting to settle in. Zachary brought his big brother Alex a very special present - a bus! Alex was so excited by his present that he didn't let it go for the rest of the day. Alex has been so good to Zachary. He loves to pet him on the head, runs to the pack-and-play to check on Zachary when he cries and loves to sit on the couch and hold him. On our first family car ride, Alex kept an eye on Zachary to make sure he was OK.
There have been a few moments of attention seeking tantrums, but overall this first week has been better than expected. Fortunately we have had my parents here to help out. Sadly they are heading home tomorrow, so we'll see how the next few days go. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Welcome Zachary

We are so happy and excited to announce the birth of
Zachary Christan on July 9, 2008!
The details: 2:12 am 7 pounds 2 ounces 19 1/2 inches

Friday, July 4, 2008

I love a parade

It is no secret that I love parades and fireworks. 2 years ago, (three 4th of July's) our West Coast move included a planned stop in small town America to celebrate the 4th of July. Sadly, the fireworks show was cancelled due to weather. The last 2 years, we have decided to stay in and not tamper with the Little Man's sleeping schedule. BUT, we have made it to the parade both years. This year we realized it is official, we really live here...we actually knew people in the parade. And in one instance, the paradee acknowledged us. I've always said, as soon as we make friends and I find a job I like, we move. Good thing I have no intention of getting a job!

Later in the day, Alex pumped up his pool and splashed around for awhile.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Ahh, the exciting anniversary plans of the parents of a toddler with a baby due at any moment! We took a walk to our little shopping center to try the new gelato place and check out the Hot Rod Show. Many of the cars were restored and actually hot, but a few were just the 1970's Country Squire station wagon. No, seriously. A very large dog licked Alex's hand. His hand kind of disappeared into the dog's mouth temporarily. Alex enjoyed it all. Next year is #10, maybe something a bit more exciting is in order?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Still waiting...but having fun

Baby isn't ready for his/her debut just yet, so we've been keeping busy.
We went to the Oakland A's game for Coast Guard Day at the Ballgame. As with most things lasting more than an hour or so, Alex enjoyed the first half of the game and some ballpark food, but naptime was infringed upon and we left a bit early. The bad news of the day: Phil lost his wallet. The good news of the (next) day: Phil got his wallet back. So even though Oakland is a bit rough, we know we don't live in the East anymore! Everything was intact except for Phil's riches of $4 cash, a small price to pay.
It's been a while since we made it to the zoo, so we took a few hours yesterday to mingle with the animals. We went later in the day, so as we were going in, all the day camp groups were leaving...perfect timing! Instead of following our Disney Land rule of going left upon entering (most people go right, so avoid the crowds) we went ahead and turned right. It was nice to spend time with the animals we usually speed through at the end of a tiring day. Alex had lunch with the giraffes and got up close and personal with the camels. Fortunately the camel didn't decide to spit! Alex was desperate to go on the sky ride so he and Phil went up. This time Alex stayed awake and enjoyed the scenery!

Today we went to the park to play. Alex discovered the tube slide and was having a blast climbing up the ladder and sliding. I was amazed that he was willing to go down by himself (with me at the bottom to catch him). But then, he started to get too brave and was coming down head first. Laughing the whole way, of course. Next he went to the smaller slide and even though I told him to "sit on your bottom", he thought walking down would be a better way to go. Fortunately, a random mom was right next to the slide and grabbed him as he fell. Oh crazy man, what will we do with you?

**again, there are more pictures on our kodak page, let me know if you don't get the link and want to see them.